Monday, 24 September 2012

PS3 vs Xbox 360

Playstation 3 VS Xbox 360

Ever since the release of both 7th generation consoles, a war struck the gaming world between Sony's third instalment to the Playstation franchise the PS3, and Microsoft's successor to the Xbox, the Xbox 360. Gamers have argued and fought over which is the superior console, comparing features such as graphics, games and accessories. Most people would think of this being a repeat of the Nintendo vs Sega war, one example being the SNES vs the Sega Genesis. So, which company has succeeded on creating the best home console of the 7th generation of gaming? (Because face it, no one is going to choose the Wii over these two power-houses) Lets take a look at each system top to bottom to determine which console has won the gaming war of the 7th Gen. 


If we're talking about which console is cheaper, it's the Xbox 360. The 360's release price ranged from around £209.99 to £279.99 depending on which version you got. The PS3 on the other hand went from £299 to a whopping £425, a huge price gap. However, if we're talking which console is better value, it's the PS3. Even though the 360 is cheaper on its own, you're also paying every year for online, and the accessories are much more expensive. Plus, PS3 contains more memory and has a built in blu-ray DVD player. But as time goes on, the price goes down with every version of the console. The Xbox 360 on its own now ranges from around £130 to £180, whilst the PS3 goes from around £150 to  £210, which is a lot closer then before. You're either choosing the cheapest option, or the one thats got more to offer.

Winner: Playstation 3

Even though the Xbox 360 is technically cheaper, the PS3 just gives you more for your money. Apart from the console itself, everything else is more expensive on the 360, including the accessories and online. Overall, you're getting more for your money with the PS3.

The Controller

Both consoles have their own unique controller, and both controllers are similar in some ways. Both have two joysticks, a d-pad, almost identical button layout. The only way to determine this is to compare each aspect of the controllers. Lets start with the size. The 360 controller is bigger then the PS3 controller, and fits your hand a bit more nicely. It depends on how big your hands are, but more people are probably going to prefer the feel of the 360's. In terms of the layout, this one goes to the PS3. The 360 controller has that more awkward layout, with the joysticks being diagonal from each other and the d-pad being under the joystick. The PS3 controller just looks a bit neater. For the joysticks, apart from being in weird positions, I slightly prefer the 360's. The joysticks have dips in them, where your thumbs can rest. The PS3 joysticks are good and better positioned, but they have these bumps at the top, so your thumbs aren't really resting on them, which can make them a bit harder to use. Now for the d-pad. The PS3's d-pad is very good, as it angles well and can be used for games that mainly use the d-pad, like fighting games. The 360's d-pad on the other hand is one of the worst d-pads I've ever experienced. It's basically useless in fighting games, as performing different motions is almost impossible due to its weird design, and is awful when trying to hit diagonal positions. The majority of 360 controllers are battery packed, meaning you have to either keep buying batteries, or buy the wireless pack separately. Where as all PS3 controllers are wireless, but you can get come that are wired. Lastly, out of the wireless controllers, the PS3 controller manages to reach slightly further then the 360's.

Winner: Playstation 3

Why does the PS3 win this? Because you are able to buy different types of PS3 controllers, including different sizes and  some with similar designs to the 360's controller. The only 360 controllers I've ever seen are the same ones, meaning if you don't like the 360 controller, then tough!

Game Exclusives

This is mainly a matter of opinion. The PS3 has games such as Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, God of War and Metal Gear Solid, whereas the 360 has Halo, Gears of war and Forza Motorsport. Its pretty difficult to determine a winner on something thats opinion based rather then some factual.

Winner: Draw

As said before, this one is just about opinion. Whether you would chose the 360 because you love Halo, or the PS3 for Uncharted, you really can't choose a winner.

Accessories: Playstation Move vs Kinect

Whenever people talk about the accessories of the PS3 and the Xbox 360, the only ones ever mentioned, and to be honest, the only ones worth mentioning, are the Playstation Move and the Xbox 360's Kinect. The Move is basically an improved version of the Wii remote. Its a motion censored controller that basically does what the Wii remote does, but has much better sensory. Another great thing about the Move is that there are games that work with the Move, there aren't just PS Move exclusives. For example, the PS3 exclusive, Heavy Rain works with either the controller or with the Move, and this game came  out long before the Move did. Despite all this, there isn't many Move exclusive games.
Now we have the Kinect. The Kinect is, surprisingly a hugely improved in every way version on the PS eye toy which was for the PS2. With the Kinect, you are the controller. It also has voice recognition, meaning you can control your 360 with either your body or your voice. There are also a ton of Kinect exclusive games, unlike the Move. However, the Kinect shouldn't be the reason to choose the 360 over the PS3. Having used both accessories, the sensitivity on the Move seems better then the Kinect. Also, when the Kinect was first released, it cost around the same amount as the 360 itself being around £129.99, whereas the Move was only around £20-£30. Fortunately, there are now bundles for both accessories, bringing the price down quite a lot, especially for the Kinect.

Winner: Xbox 360

With its unique features and the ability to control the console itself, the edge goes to the 360. Compared to the Kinect, the Move is technically just another Wii remote, nothing really groundbreaking.


On paper, the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox 360. It can hold up to 320GB, whereas the 360 only goes up to 250GB, meaning the PS3 can hold more memory. In terms of graphics, the PS3 GPU clocks up to 550 MHz, while the 360's GPU clocks up to 500 MHz, meaning that the PS3 technically has better graphics. The 360 is also limited to the amount of detail put into the graphics, whereas the PS3 doesn't have as big limitations. This is mainly because the PS3 was released slightly later than the 360. 

Winner: Playstation 3

More power means better graphics, better more memory and less limitations. Even though for the most part the graphics comparison isn't really noticeable, the PS3 is still overall the more powerful home console.


The Xbox 360 is a DVD player with an optional HD-DVD drive. But the PS3 is a Blu-ray DVD player. I think its obvious who's won this battle

Winner: Playstation 3

With the PS3 being more powerful, it's able to extend its limits by being a Blu-ray DVD player, which we all know is far superior to a regular one. 

Online: Playstation Network vs Xbox Live

Both PSN and Live are similar. They allow the person to play online, connect to the internet, add friends, play with friends, talk to friends, and watch services such as Netflix. However, out of the two, Xbox Live has a lot more online support, and looks much nicer then PSN. Having said this, one huge advantage that PSN has over Live is that it's free. With Xbox Live, you have Xbox Live Gold, where the user must pay around £30 or more every year just so you can go online, while PSN is completely free. Not only that, but PSN also has PSN Plus. This is a similar price to Xbox Live Gold, except has a much friendlier interface, has better discounts and better benefits then Live.

Winner: Playstation 3

Xbox Live could of won this if there was no subscription to pay. But thanks to PSN Plus, and the fact that PSN is free, the PS3 takes this round.

The Winner: Playstation 3

Overall, the Sony Playstation 3 is the superior home console. Even though some features on the Xbox 360 are better then the PS3, and there will be people who prefer the 360, the PS3 is just better in more aspects.

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